Volcan Mana's Restaurant. The social Centrepoint of the Town.
Volcan Mana Restaurant has become a focal point for the local community and flower festival.

Volcan Mana Restaurant has become a focal point for the local community and flower festival.
Mana’s Restaurant opened for business in September 2010, but the former Hotel and Restaurant “LA FLORIDA” has been a Volcan landmark since 1942. The building houses the Volcan Lodge, which has 6 bedrooms; 4 upstairs and 2 down stairs. All with ensuite bathrooms.
The patio flower garden is a late afternoon favourite for people who just want to sit with a glass of wine, watch the setting sun and invariably, in conversation with other guests-put the world to rights.
The upper balcony is just for the benefit of the hotel guests. Here you can laze away in a hammock, read a book from the hotels’ library or simply sit in a rocking chair and chill out.
The hotel part of Mana’s (The Volcan Lodge) has 6 bedrooms; 4 upstairs and 2 down stairs. All with ensuite bathrooms. There is Free Wi-Fi available throughout and a large screen T.V. in the bar/lounge.
On the ground floor there is a separate owner’s suite with two bedrooms and ensuite bathrooms. In addition on the property to the rear there is a country cabin and small guest house. The land to the rear of Mana’s has a small rough road that rises up a hill with a look-out platform which affords wonderful views north to Volcan. The land on the hill and at the base has enough room to build an estimated 10 cabins or an additional hotel.
Possibly the secret to the success of Mana’s lies in its spacious kitchen. This writer has enjoyed meals here since Mana’s opening. TripAdvisor, has a comment on its webpage about Mana’s that it is “The best food value in Volcan.” The prices are reasonable and invariably customers can be heard saying just one word in appreciation; “Excellent!”
Contact Jorge Anguizola:
e-mail: jlca.mana@gmail.com
Website: www.volcanlodge.webs.com
Tel: (507) 771-4709
Cel: 6461-2970
R.U.C. 4-200-139 D.V.90