20 years

Panama residency offers great retirement benefits

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When you elect Panama residency, there are some very attractive benefits for retired expats that are hard to resist. Of course, since most pensionados are on a fixed income, the idea of paying less for many common expenses is quite welcome.

Here are some of the retirement benefits available to alien retirees as young as 18.

Travel & Entertainment Benefits

Panama residency entitles you to many great travel and entertainment benefits, such as:

Health Care Panama Retirement Benefits

And how about these great medical and health care benefits as a result of Panama residency?

Professional Fee Discounts

You can also get these handy discounts as part of your Panama retirement…

There are also some juicy real estate tax breaks available.

Discounts on Utility Expenses

Panama residency as an expat also entitles you to these discounts on your utility bills:

Panama residency retirement benefits are said to be the best in the world. So, if you’re considering a Panama retirement, you’ll want to be sure to include the value of these benefits as part of your decision-making process.

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